

BizBash Chicago

I was lucky to be able to attend the 1st annual BizBash Conference in Chicago last week. I have some amazing learnings to share this coming week including one that really will make you expand your "going green" event knowledge. Greg Christian, who is a well-known Chicago caterer (for Harpo Studios and others), presented a dynamic, educational presentation about how event planners can easily make events "green" by including specifics in the RFP process (brilliant!) and doing a little extra research. It was fantastic! More to come...

Here is a link to the BizBash Editorial on the event:


Anonymous said...

never made it to this, but, did make the BASH at Sound Bar. Fun event and a great networking opportunity for all.

Anonymous said...

Did you make it to the Here's Chicago BASH? Would love to get you on the list to receive future invites to the Chicago Event Planner's BASH events.

Inspired Event said...

I did not make it to Here's Chicago... but thank you for introducing the site! My email is located on my homepage: so feel free to send me an email w/ future invites (but please no spam or advertising).

Thank you!